Tuesday, October 25, 2016

BREC Trails Talk Tomorrow

It’s Tomorrow!
Where can you hike in EBR parish?  Amanda Tackas, BREC naturalist, will tell us about BREC Wilderness Areas and other BREC outdoor activities including naturalist-lead hikes.  Your taxes at work!
The Backpacker
7656 Jefferson Hwy

6:30 Refreshments
7:00 Program

Open to the public

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

BREC Trails Talk Postponed

Meeting rescheduled
Hiking Trails in EBR Parish
 New date: Wednesday, 26, 2016

The Backpacker
7656 Jefferson Hwy
6:30 Refreshments
7:00 Program

Monday, October 17, 2016


Amanda Tackas will tell us about hiking opportunities in BREC Wilderness Areas and give us an update on how they fared the flooding. 

The Backpacker
7656 Jefferson Hwy
Refreshments: 6:30
Program 7:00

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Delta Chapter Retreat - Fall 2016

Exciting news friends!  The Delta Chapter of the Sierra Club will have its Autumn 2016 Retreat near our region again, on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain at beautiful Fontainebleau State Park beginning Friday, October 28.  Hiking, biking, canoeing, camping, camaraderie, and shared learning opportunities abound. Follow this link ---> to the Delta Chapter website to get all the details and register to let our Chapter Conservation Coordinator know you'll be attending. Explore, Enjoy, and Protect!