Monday, January 18, 2016

January 2015 Meeting Date Change

January 20 Meeting Changed to January 27

Dr Andy Nyman, LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources

Discussion of Proposals for Restoring  LSU Lakes

The Backpacker, 7656 Jefferson Hwy 7 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area Day/Overnight Hike

Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area

Day/Overnight Hike

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area, is a rugged 8,000-acre wilderness area between Alexandria and Natchitoches. There are tens of miles of hiking trails snaking through this section of National Forest, with the best option being the Backbone Trail, an 8-mile hike traversing hills and long leaf pine savannahs.
For more information about the Wilderness Area see
For more details about this hike see our facebook page
Event Page: